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Habits: The Power of Small Choices

Habits- the hardest to change, the easiest to break
Good habits play a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. They have a significant impact on our overall well-being and by maintaining good habits, we can create a foundation for growth, happiness, and success.
Habits emerge because the brain is constantly seeking ways to save effort. They are encoded in our brains. It can be difficult to keep up good and ideal habits, and there are neurological causes for this difficulty. Since our brains are programmed to look for quick gratification and avoid discomfort, it can be challenging to maintain long-term habits that call for consistency and effort. However, with understanding, knowledge, and practice, these neurological barriers can be addressed and enduring habits can be developed. Although it takes commitment, persistence, and patience, the work will pay off in the long run. As James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, puts it-“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement, “investing in the proper habit may have a positive influence on our health, happiness, prosperity, and quality of life.
Good or bad, habits shape our personalities and drive our decisions. Accept it or not, our actions determine our future, and the power of habit distinguishes certain people from the majority, who most often attribute their achievements to the adoption of healthy habits.  Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit,” emphasizes a similar viewpoint on habits, stating that, “The actions of champions are not remarkable. They act normally, yet they act quickly and without thinking, making it impossible for the opposing side to respond. They adhere to the routines they have developed”.
According to the scientific community, healthy behaviors provide advantages that go beyond physical health in addition to contributing to a healthy body. Researchers have suggested that adopting behaviors like increasing physical exercise, giving up smoking, and maintaining regular social routines are linked to improvements in mental health and also aid in a person’s quest for a greater sense of purpose in life.
The 1% change every day that will make a big difference
Change may not come swiftly and easily. But any habit can be changed with enough time and effort. Here we suggest some small choices, 1 percent incremental changes everyday to your habits that can lead to significant results over time:
Keep Moving: Consistent physical exercise improves cardiovascular health, increases energy, and enhances general well-being. Walking, jogging, cycling, or any other enjoyable kind of exercise can be included.
Eating healthily: A balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats gives our bodies the nutrition they need to operate at their best. It’s crucial to avoid too much sugar, processed meals, and bad fats.
Sufficient sleep: Getting good quality sleep each night (for around 7-8 hours) helps the body and mind regenerate, enhances cognitive performance, and improves general health. Better sleep may be attained by adopting a soothing evening ritual and sticking to a regular sleep schedule.
Hydration: It’s important to have enough water throughout the day to promote good digestion, maintain normal body processes, and stay hydrated. Aim to consume 8 cups (64 ounces) or more of water each day, depending on your individual needs. 
Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help lower stress levels, improve attention and concentration, and foster a sense of serenity and inner peace. Your mental and emotional health may benefit from investing a little time each day in these activities.
Reading: Making it a routine to read frequently can help you learn more, build your vocabulary, sharpen your critical-thinking abilities, and relieve stress. Whether it’s fiction, nonfiction, or self-improvement literature, reading has many advantages.
Gratitude practice: Focusing on being grateful for what you have and the positive parts of your life may help you feel better overall, change your perspective, and cultivate a more upbeat attitude.
Time management: Mastering efficient time management techniques may boost output, lower stress levels, and improve work-life balance. Achieving desired results may be aided by creating objectives, prioritizing work, and breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps.
Regular self-reflection: Making time for self-reflection enables you to contemplate, pinpoint areas of personal development, and make necessary adjustments in your life. You can accomplish this by keeping a diary, practicing meditation, or just finding some alone time.
Daily learning: Cultivating the habit of learning new things all the time broadens your knowledge, keeps your mind sharp, and creates new chances. Making a commitment to lifelong learning is advantageous, whether it is picking up a new skill, reading the informative articles, or enrolling in online courses.
Always keep in mind that creating good habits takes time and effort. Introduce one or two new habits at a time and then progressively add to them. Remember, consistency is key for these behaviors to persist and provide long-term benefits. 

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